Data Points or Tuples

A data point or tuple represents a single item in a data model, defined by a specific selection from each and every hierarchy in that model. Therefore, a data point or tuple uniquely identifies a single cell within the data model.

Even though a data point or tuple is made up of one member from every dimension, it may only be described with a few specific members. In this scenario, the default members for each of the hierarchies not EXPLICITLY named in the data point expression are implicitly used in defining that data point.

Syntax & Usage

([dimension x].[hierarchy x].[member x], [dimension y].[hierarchy y].[member y].......)
  • The coordinates of the data point are described with a comma delimited list of member names surrounded by round brackets.
  • If the data point is a single member name, the round brackets are not required.
  • One of the coordinates is usually a measure (but it is not required).
  • A tuple cannot have 2 or more members from the same hierarchy in its coordinates.
  • The data points are used in Semantic Calculations.
Different Function types
  • This function is like the MDX tuple object.
  • Numerous functions that call for "numeric expressions" or "numeric values" usually imply the need for a data point expression.


This example is a data point expression that is comprised of 2 coordinates from a model: the Australia member, from the country column in the customer dimension, and the sales measure. Even though other hierarchical members are not explicitly named in the coordinates, the PQL engine assumes the default selections instead. As such, this data point implies "Australian Sales" for "all" products, "all" promotions, "all" dates and "all" manufacturers:

([Customer].[Country].[Australia], [measures].[sales])

This example is a clarification of the previous example, where the data point explicitly says Australian sales for the Bikes category, with "all" promotions, "all" dates and "all" manufacturers:

([Customer].[Country].[Australia], [measures].[sales], [product].[product category].[bikes])

This example shows Australian bike sales for Acme manufacturers with 2019 discount promotions:

([Customer].[Country].[Australia], [measures].[sales], [product].[product category].[bikes], [manufacturers].[manufacturer].[acme],[promotions].[categories].[discounts],[dates].[year].[2019])